Saturday, September 26, 2009

And The Wedding Goes To

Tomorrow is supposed to be Khloe Kardashian's wedding, but it may be a hoax for Kourtney. There is also discussion that if Khloe gets married to L.O. that it won't be legalized until the prenup turned postnup is legalized. Apparently they do not have time over the weekend to have all ends tied. Supposedly they have to get married on Sunday, because one of the Kardashian reality shows are footing the bill. They can legally tie the knot soon after. Speculation eludes that either way the marriage will be fake. I'm just saying people, real love is hard to find. When it finds you, it grabs a hold of you like nobodies business. Cupid doesn't play any games for he is immortal. Human's change the game all the time. At least Khloe's man is a team player.

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