Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Soul Food

Almost every individual has a plan they want to enforce as they start their day off. The plan includes a plethora of tasks that mostly differs with the Creator's plan. A divine destiny does exist, and although most individuals say they believe in it, they really do not. In fact, some are often disappointed when their day does not go as planned. Whose plan plays for keeps, an individuals or the Creator's? It is much easier to accept, over stand, and acknowledge all that lies before us. The Universe connects to the soul like the fusion of an ionic bond. Ions that are different have a high probability of connecting, or creating chemistry. The soul plays a unique part in the transference of energy from one individual to another. For example, a soul-tie is formed between a male and a female during intimacy. The soul-tie creates a bond that the mind of a human may not be able to grasp. Why? Sometimes it is just too early to recognize, hence individuals can proceed through life and still feel that something is missing. I'm just saying people, life is not just what you make it. It is more like a fancy delicatessen that feeds the soul, and without it starvation is prevalent.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Amazing are the yield signs at the end of every winding road. Checking my mirrors constantly to get a glimpse of my own reflection. Acknowledging that what I see is nothing short of perfection. Realizing that it's time to live a real and un-ideal life. Welcoming the inspirations that the Creator sends my way. Deciding to be successful over just being average. Waiting patiently for love from the soul of a mate. Changing the rules from my old book of plays.