Once upon a time my world was turned upside down by your majestic ways.
The things you said and did where like magic to me.
Even when you did the same trick over and over again.
At some point I begged to be apart of your act, but you never let me.
So I had to headline my own show, and show that a chick got tricks too.
There were many acts but you were my greatest rival...
...the very reason for my survival.
Looking at you was never enough...missing you was way too tough.
I remember lying alone in bed thinking,
"We could of had it all."
I remember not lying alone in bed thinking,
"How did I end up with the opening act instead of the headliner?"
Gone are the days where I reflect on would of, could of, or should of.
These are the days where I remember that love is unexplainable enough,
to test ones character at any given moment.
These are the days where I realize that, what I hopelessly wanted
has turned into what I desperately needed.
Once upon a time my world was turned upside down by your majestic ways.
This is no illusion, you and I are the conclusion.